Partnerbijeenkomst met HTRIC 24 november

27 October 2022

Het ecosysteem slaat de handen ineen met het Health Technology Research and Innovation Cluster bij de organisatie van het volgende partnerevenement. Het evenement is gepland op 24 november in het Space Werkcafe in Zernike tussen 15-17u.

Het ecosysteem slaat de handen ineen met het Health Technology Research and Innovation Cluster (HTRIC) bij de organisatie van het volgende partnerevenement. Het evenement is gepland op 24 november in het Space Werkcafe in Zernike tussen 15-17u.

In het eerste deel van de innovatiebooster hoort u over de ontwikkelingen en de uitdagingen van de vijf innovatieprojecten die door het programma worden gesubsidieerd. Er volgt een open discussie over hoe effectief de opbouw van het ecosysteem is, wat de uitdagingen en de geconstateerde hiaten zijn en hoe verder te gaan na afloop van de financiering in 2023.

Programma donderdag 24 november -15-16:30, gevolgd door een borrel

15:00   Welcome and Introduction to the Personalised Implant ecosystem, by Elena Merlo, project manager

15:10   The Witec/UMCG collaboration: optimization of the implant design workflow and clinical study  by Eric Vos, CEO Witec

15:25   Personalized triggered release of antimicrobials from implant surfaces by Albert Poortinga, CEO Bether Encapsulates

15:40   Personalized Resorbable Osteosynthetic Fixation Devices Through Rapid Manufacturing by Roderick de Hilster, PostDoc Biomedical Engineering

15:55   More Science than Fiction: growing spare parts ex vivo by Jeroen Siebring, Researcher Hanze University of Applied Sciences

16:00     Open discussion, followed by drinks

17:00     Closing

Mis het niet!

Registratie link


The ecosystem joins forces with the Health Technology Research and Innovation Cluster (HTRIC) in the organization of the next partner event. The event is planned for 24th November at the Space Werkcafe in Zernike between 15-17h.

In the first part of the innovation booster, you will hear about developments and the challenges of the five innovation projects that are subsidized by the program. An open discussion will follow on how effective the ecosystem construction is, what are the challenges and the gaps that were identified and how to continue after the funding ends in 2023.

Program Thursday 24th November –15-16:30, followed by drinks

15:00   Welcome and Introduction to the Personalised Implant ecosystem, by Elena Merlo, project manager

15:10   The Witec/UMCG collaboration: optimization of the implant design workflow and clinical study  by Eric Vos, CEO Witec

15:25   Personalized triggered release of antimicrobials from implant surfaces by Albert Poortinga, CEO Bether Encapsulates

15:40   Personalized Resorbable Osteosynthetic Fixation Devices Through Rapid Manufacturing by Roderick de Hilster, PostDoc Biomedical Engineering

15:55   More Science than Fiction: growing spare parts ex vivo by Jeroen Siebring, Researcher Hanze University of Applied Sciences

16:00     Open discussion, followed by drinks

17:00     Closing

Don’t miss it! the registration link is available here